TalkBank Specialized Functions

This page provides screencast illustrations of more specialized CLAN functions

Screencast YouTube.................. Contents Duration
CLAN Commands
RELY RELY using RELY to troubleshoot a coding system 5:26
Coder-1 Coder-1 creating a coding tier with Coder's Editor 6:38
Coder-2 Coder-2 creating a coding tier, toggling between Coder's Editor for coding and CHAT Editor for playback 4:46
CA Functions
multiple multiple playback from multiple synchronized videos, resources are here 4:57
SUGAR-1 Transcript preparation for SUGAR analysis 7:27
SUGAR-2 running SUGAR command, examining spreadsheet results 4:56
CHAT2ELAN CHAT2ELAN converting a CHAT file to ELAN and back 3:12
SALT2CHAT SALT2CHAT importing from SALT 0:55
TEXT2CHAT TEXT2CHAT creating a CHAT file from text 0:47
CHAT2PHON CHAT2PHON using Chatter and PhonTalk to create Phon format 3:25
Other Utilities
Rename Rename renaming files 3:34
Hide&Trim Hide&Trim hiding tiers; removing tiers 3:34
Captions Captions adding captions or subtitles to a video 3:25
Chatter for Windows Chatter Validator using Windows Chatter to check data 5:03
Chatter for Mac Chatter Validator using the Mac Chatter app to check data 4:58
Manual Transcribing
template template creating a CHAT file from scratch 5:20
addID addID adding speaker ID tiers using the CLAN menu 3:33
autoinsertID autoinsertID adding speaker ID tiers using escape-L 2:39
F5-transcribe F5-transcribe linking and transcribing with F5 11:06
check check checking a transcript for errors 3:16
walker-1 walker-1 setting up and using Walker Controller options 6:07
walker-2 walker-2 transcribing in Walker Controller 6:08